Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Potatoes with spices and cilantro

Potatoes with spices and cilantro

Ingredients for 4 people:

-1 kg of potatoes style: roseval
-2 tomatoes
-3 onions
-2 cloves garlic d
-3 branches of parsley
-3 branches of coriander
-3 spoons a soup d oil olive d
-2 Bay leaves
-1 belle pinch of ginger if you have the fresh c is better
-1 half spoon has cumin coffee
-1 spoonful of paprika coffee a
-1 small fresh hot pepper


-Cut potatoes and washers and plunge 30 segondes tomatoes in boiling water, refresh under cold water and peel the
-In a jumping put l oil and return the onions cut into slices then add potatoes and tomatoes concasees and chopped garlic, Laurel, ginger, cumin, paprika and finally the parsley and cilantro chopped. Salt and pepper
-Water content of the jumping with 30 cl d water and stir, cover and cook 30 minutes a heat
-Remove stem and seeds from peppers working under cold water and then cut into strips and l Add a the jumping and cook 1 minutes still

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Filet mignon sauce yakitori

Filet mignon sauce yakitori

It is in Ca chip! I found the meal of the day: a filet mignon of pork yakitori sauce that immediately put me mouth water.

I loved the filet mignon with Asian flavours with China and Japan, and the gourmandement sauce caramelized, not to mention that it is very easy to do.

Ingredients for 4 people:

-1 800 g filet mignon

-250 to 300 gr of basmati rice

-4 onions

-1/2 cube of chicken broth

-6 cuil. soup of Shao Xing or Sherry Wine

-cuil 3. soup dotted Yakitori sauce

-cuil 2. shaved honey coffee

-Olive oil

-a few strands of coriander

Do heat 25 cl of water and add the bouillon cube chicken blending well. Reserve.

Finely slice the onions. Cut the filet mignon in two in the sense of depth and detail in thin strips.

In a wok on high heat (or a large pan with high edges) pay 3 cuil. soup with olive oil. When it is hot, throw the onions and stir continuously until they are transparent but not walleye (3 min. cooking about). Then add the meat and stir constantly until onions and meat are gilded.

Put all of this in a previously heated plate and rest the empty wok on fire down by half.

Pour into the wok Shao Xing wine (or Sherry) and scrape the bottom with a wooden spoon to dilute the cooking juices of the meat. Let bubble 2 min. and add the honey, the Yakitori sauce and let caramelize 3 min. then pay the poultry broth by mixing then the meat and onions by coating of sauce. Cover and Cook 20 minutes over medium heat.

During this time, rinsed basmati rice and cook in a non-salt water the rice must be cooked but firm, "al dente" in sum!

Once the twenty minutes passed, if the sauce is too liquid, continue to cook uncovered meat a few minutes so that the sauce thickens. If you hurry, add a cuil. coffee of corn starch diluted in a little water to the sauce which épaissira faster.

Present fillet mignon Yakitori sauce in a large dish with its basmati rice all sprinkled with coriander and serve immediately!

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Prawns in chermoula

Prawns in chermoula, my way

I often prepare the shrimp with the chermoula, a basis of cumin marinade it love it, for lovers of pepper, a touch of harissa will make your happiness....


500 g of peeled shrimp (keep only the tail)

Olive oil

3 cloves of garlic crushed

1 c to c of cumin

1/2 c to c of pepper

1/2 c to c from paprika

1/4 c to c of ginger (optional)

1/2 c to s of tomato concentrate

Harissa or flakes of pepper (optional)

Chopped parsley or coriander

A little water

1 fillet of lemon juice or a few drops of white vinegar (depending on taste)


You can marinate the shrimp in the mixture of spices, olive oil and a bit of lemon juice before passing it to the oven or even enter them on the fire. Either do as follows:

Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan, do return, garlic crushed with spices, tomato concentrate, add a little water not too because the shrimp will make water.

Add shrimp, and cook a few minutes, approximately 8 minutes more. At the end of cooking, sprinkle parsley or cilantro, and water with a net of juice of lemon (optional)

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Eggplant with tuna and cilantro salad

A recipe that I have even nicked in my girlfriend picholine Isabelle blog "The icing on the cake"! by this time really heavy by home, there is only the costs which spent some days!

4 medium-sized Eggplant peeled and diced

-1 beautiful hollowed-out tomato diced

-A box of whole tuna in olive oil

-2 TBSP sherry vinegar

-5 CS with olive oil + qq spoons for cooking Eggplant (I have not put the oil, I kept that tuna)

-2 cloves garlic

-Cumin powder

-A small bunch of coriander fresh minced

-Herbamare, white pepper

-A small candied lemon (optional)

Bake Eggplant microwave cover, 6 minutes, stirring once.

Then make them to return in a little oil in a jumping to finish cooking and the slightly FRY.

Let them cool on the sopalin.

Prepare the sauce: press the cloves of garlic, a bit of herbamare, white pepper, pour the vinegar, olive oil, two good pinch of cumin, coriander.

Mix tomato, eggplant, tuna with a bit of oil, sauce and some thin strips of candied lemon.

Put in the fridge until serving.

Well fresh, it's excellent, deliciously flavoured with coriander.

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Flan of carrot coriander

Flan of carrot coriander (no egg)

In the family of beta carotene-containing ingredients, I am continuing my cure for good mine with the carrot.
Today, I therefore propose a small carrot custard flavoured with coriander.

It seems that more it makes kind... More no excuse therefore!
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking: 20 minutes
Rest: 2 hours to cool

Ingredients (for 4 people):
170 grams of carrot
150 ml milk
150 gr of fresh cream (or mascarpone)
2.5 g agar-agar
1 tablespoon minced cilantro


Peel and cut the carrots into cubes. In a pot of cold water salt, Cook the carrot for 15-20 minutes (check the cooking with a fork, it should be tender).

Reduce the mashed carrot finely mixing.

In another saucepan, gather and mix the cream, milk and the agar. Warm over low heat until thrill. Let simmer, stirring, for about 1 minute.

Out of the fire, immediately add minced coriander and carrot puree. Mix well to obtain a homogeneous preparation. Adjust the seasoning with salt and pour into jars.

Let cool and place in a cool for 2 hours before serving.

Demoulez and serve.

My advice: this flan served with as you can see on the photo of the Nasturtium flowers and a line of balsamic vinegar but you can of course accompany him all as well with a green salad. The gourmet will also serve as alioli sauce white cheese.

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Pizza of the rising sun

Pizza of the rising sun

To participate in the challenge of the month on kitchen,
I created this recipe of pizza in the colours of Asia

Need you:

1 pizza dough,
1 Zucchini,
100 g of tofu block,
1 onion,
1 clove of garlic,
1 egg,
1 case of milk,
1 case of honey,
4 c to s of soy sauce,
a few leaves of fresh coriander,
1 sheet of seaweed nori (deco)


In a skillet, sauté the chopped onion. Add the zucchini diced, garlic, 1 c to s of soy sauce and cook on low heat (Zucchini should remain firm).
Prepare the topping for the tofu in a Cup by mixing honey and 3 c s of soy sauce (if need to melt the honey in the microwave). Coat the tofu that you have previously cut into fine strips. In another skillet, return to medium heat strips of tofu with a bit of oil until they are golden.
Beat the egg with the milk spoon and cook in omelet smoother.
Garnish with pulp with courgettes, omelet, tofu and decorate with the sheet of nori.
Put in oven 20 minutes, 240 ° c

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Recipe Bombolotti to Gricia

Recipe Bombolotti to Gricia

The gricia is a sauce for pasta that took its name from Grisciano, a town in the province of Rieti. When did gricia, Grisciano was part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Department of Abruzzo citra. It is well appreciated by the Romans who imported it from herders who moved down Grisciano with their herds in the Roman countryside during the winter and used to go to Rome to sell their dairy products and sheep meat and beef.

The gricia, old recipe which was and still is, the amatriciana without the tomato. The use of spaghetti with tomato was described for the first time since the French gastronome Grimond de la Reynière in 1807 nell'Almanach des gourmets: it is probably in the period of Napoleon's conquest (1798-1814) that the use of tomato as sauce seasoning paste is spread in Italy.

It is often said to use pecorino romano. This is a blunder to use the bacon as much as, if not worse. Just look at the position of these two countries (and amateur Grisciano precisely) to realize that the cheese to use is typical of the area of ​​the Monti Sibillini and Monti della Laga and pecorino romano, taste totally different and diametrically opposed origins, citing the specification: "The area of ​​origin of the milk for making cheese Pecorino Romano includes the entire territories of the regions of Sardinia, Lazio and the province of Grosseto."

It should be noted, therefore, that the recipe never includes the presence of onion or garlic.

So let's see the recipe for this tasty first:

Ingredients for 4 people:

- 400 g bombolotti;
- 100 g of cured bacon;
- 60 g pecorino cheese;
- Dry white wine;
- Salt and pepper;
- Chili;

Cut the bacon into cubes and cook over low heat in a pan of 28 cm, when the fat has become transparent, add half a glass of dry white wine and let evaporate, chilli and cook for 3 minutes over high heat. Boil pasta in abundant salted water, then add it to the sauce along with the grated cheese, stir well to dress the pasta evenly and serve.

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Pesto Sauce Recipe

Pesto Sauce Recipe

Pesto alla Genovese is a sauce used to flavor pasta originiaria the capital of Liguria. The name comes from "stepping", in reference to the manner in which the ingredients, including basil, olive oil and garlic, are united in the preparation.

Define the history of Pesto alla Genovese is how to define the history of basil, from its origins to the present day: the delicious plant arrived in Italy from the shores of North Africa, though in fact India was the first country to cultivate it. Arrived in Europe, the basil plant found the best soil for growing in Liguria and Provence in France. In these two areas, the pesto is developed in a similar manner, but the use of different ingredients made the difference by making the recipe for Pesto alla Genovese the most popular and known worldwide.

The sauce is made with Genovese basil, salt, garlic, extra virgin olive oil from Liguria (preferably Taggiasco), pine nuts (also roasted) and grated parmesan (that wanting can also be replaced by grain, pecorino Sardo). Historically, the pesto is prepared in a marble mortar with a wooden pestle.

Despite being a condiment pasta available in supermarkets, it is advised to try once to prepare fresh homemade pesto. So let's see the recipe.


- 4 bunches of fresh basil leaves Genoa
- Extra virgin olive oil (as mentioned, it is preferable to Taggiasco)
- Grated Parmesan cheese (or Grana Padano, Pecorino Romano and Pecorino Sardo)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon pine nuts
- A few grains of salt

Wash in cold water bunches of basil and allow to dry on a towel. At this point begin to pound the basil with the garlic in a mortar, taking care to put a clove of garlic every thirty leaves of basil around.
When the leaves begin to release the liquid, add a handful of pine nuts and continue to pound. When the pine nuts are also well-mashed dates a generous sprinkling of cheese, a few grains of salt and add olive oil, enough to give the sauce its characteristic creamy consistency.
Then store the product in a bowl and Pesto Repeat the procedure until all the ingredients.
As the last Board, Pesto alla Genovese famously gives its best with trofie.

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Pasta alla Carbonara Recipe

Pasta alla Carbonara Recipe

Pasta alla carbonara (usually spaghetti, linguine or bucatini but often) is one of the most famous dishes of pasta of Italian cuisine. The ingredients include eggs, pecorino cheese, bacon and pepper.

Although these are the ingredients used in the original carbonara, you can prepare a good Carbonara with substitute ingredients or added, as the bacon, Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, onions, shallots or milk. Outside Italy, moreover, makes abundant use of the cream (such as occurs in the United States or France).

As for the origins, Pasta alla Carbonara perhaps holds the record as a recipe from disparate historical theories: chronologically speaking, date of birth is placed in the 20 th century. One of the most reliable theories wants as simple dish but extremely energy for the workers in coal mines (hence the name). Another wants the origin of the name of the shape of bacon cooked with pepper, vaguely reminiscent of bits of coal. Others claimed that the dish has been invented by the Carbonari, the secret society members of the same name. The last of the theories that we list (there are way too many) believe that the dish was invented by some imaginative chefs Romans during the Second World War, when U.S. allies took large stocks of bacon and egg powder, and needed a practical and easy to cook these ingredients.

After this long introduction we pass to the recipe.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 150 grams of bacon
- 100 grams of cheese
- 350 grams of spaghetti
- 4 eggs
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Pepper

Put plenty of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil founded. At this point salted water and put the dough, lowering the flame.

Hours Heat the oil in a pan and when hot, put the bacon cut into cubes or strips. Cook over medium heat until fat is melted and gianciale not become almost crisp.

Now take a bowl large enough (we have to put the pasta) and sbatteteci aiutantovi eggs with a whisk. Add the cheese and pepper and continue to whisk until everything becomes homogenous. When pasta is almost ready, add the bacon to the dough made with eggs.

As a final step, drain the pasta well, then pour the hot dough with eggs and bacon, mixing well and making sure that the heat of the spaghetti cook eggs until slightly rapprenderle. If the dough is too dry, agguingete a spoon of olive oil raw.

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Polenta Recipe Taragna

Polenta Recipe Taragna

Winter weather and in Italy, especially in the North, it's time for stews, pot roasts and the sausage. And what better to accompany these dishes of polenta? I would say nothing.

So exactly what is polenta? It 'a method of cooking the cereal flours, widespread in northern and central Italy but also in different countries of the former Yugoslavia. This dish can be made with different flours, including the most famous: corn meal (maize flour), the white one (white corn or millet), buckwheat flour and beans. The Italian tradition wants that the polenta is cooked in a copper pot for a long time, stirring constantly: the perfect recipe for it in many recommend using "the tools" of the tradition!

This dish dates back centuries and especially farmers. It was Christopher Columbus to bring "Mahiz" (corn of course) from his voyage to the New World, along with a whole range of other still unknown to us as potatoes, beans, tomatoes and cocoa. The natives used these precious seeds to make us Mahiz of flour, which was used to prepare polenta enriched with meat or fish or sauces.

Although the western world has the prerogative to be the best (only from his point of view of course), this time the natives show us the opposite: the addition of meat and other food to the polenta is indeed a great idea because it avoided the populations Ancient places of getting pellagra, a disease that has plagued instead of our ancestors who consumed exclusively North polenta in times of famine.

(A little 'culture ... from Wikipedia. "Pellagra is a disease caused by a deficiency or failure to absorb B vitamins, especially niacin (vitamin PP), or tryptophan, amino acid needed for its synthesis. This vitamin This is usually in fresh products: milk, vegetables, cereals. It is a disease common among people who made the polenta of sorghum or corn their staple food. ")

Today we present taragna polenta, recipe of Valtellina cuisine of Bergamo and Brescia: polenta with cheese (possibly Valtellina like Bitto). This type of polenta owes its name to "tarel", the wooden tool that was used in ancient times to mix in the pot during cooking. Its distinctive dark color is due to the mixture of buckwheat and cornmeal. Unlike polenta, in which the cheese is melted directly in the heat dish with polenta, for taragna the cheese is incorporated before the end of cooking.

So let's see the recipe for this dish:


- 350 g of buckwheat flour
- 250 g of corn meal
- 600 grams of cheese from Valtellina (type Bitto)
- 700 grams of butter
- Salt
- 3 liters of water

Heat the 3 liters of water in a pot, even a pot with high sides with non-stick in the absence of the first, and 230 grams of cold butter. When the water boils pour the two flours to rain, with constant stirring, to give way to the two quality of blend well with each other.

During the cooking of the polenta, which should last about an hour, add the remaining butter into small pieces. Ten minutes before the scheduled end of cooking, add the roughly chopped cheese Valtellina.

An idea to accompany this delicacy? A nice plate of cold cuts ...

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Cotechino with Lentils Recipe

Cotechino with Lentils Recipe

The ultimate New Year's dish, the pork sausage with lentils is a tradition missed the last day of the year in the northern regions of Italy. Lentils, then, should absolutely eat the evening of 31 because tradition holds that "bring in money" given the current economic situation then you should make and eat at least a ton!

The sausage, for those not familiar, is a sausage made of pork to be cooked and owes its name to the rind, the rind (skin) of the pig. It is prepared by filling the casing with rind, cut of meat (not first choice) and fat, all mixed with salt, pepper, spices, nitrites and nitrates. There are commercially precooked versions, which require a maximum of half an hour cooking and not pre-cooked, requiring approximately 2 hours of cooking (we prefer the latter).
Legend has it that the sausage was invented in the sixteenth century by the citizens of the court of Pico della Mirandola, who besieged by the papal troops needed a way to preserve pork. Towards the end of the eighteenth century onward, he began to be appreciated in different regions of Northern Italy: Modena, the city is crucial for this product, so that the sausage in the city enjoys the Protected Geographical Identification (PGI).

As for lentils, however, there are several varieties: red, brown, green. The Italians are not big consumers of vegetables, however, except in special occasions, perhaps for cooking times, which generally require (and not counting the hours of soaking before cooking them).
The history of lentils is very old, are in fact the most ancient legume cultivated by man: the first traces of this legume can be traced back to seven thousand before Christ. Lentils also have their citation in the biblical Genesis, when Jacob "hands of Esau bread and lentil soup."

So let's see the recipe for this dish:


- 1 sausage (preferably a delicatessen, not precooked)
- 250 grams of dried lentils
- 1 onion
- 2 carrots
- 1 celery
- 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 clove of garlic
- Salt and Oil

The preparation of the pork sausages is quite simple: puncture it in several places with a fork and wrap it with a cloth (with the ends tied with twine would be great). Then put all in a pot and cover with cold water (perhaps of oblong shape the pot). A high heat bring to a boil, and once reached reduce heat and cook the sausage for at least an hour and a half (even though two is great, do not overcook, do not worry). Once ready, remove the towel and get rid of the cooking water. Wait a few minutes and then cut the sausage into slices (not too thin!).

For the lentils, put them to soak in warm water with a pinch of baking soda, the evening before the day in which you want to prepare. The next morning, sauté onion in oil, carrot, garlic and celery, all finely chopped. Pour into the pan so the lentils, tomatoes and bay leaf. After about ten minutes, pour boiling water over lentils and heart to low heat until the completion of cooking.

Serve piping hot pork sausage and lentils, perhaps accompanied by mashed potatoes.

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Recipe of Negroni

The Negroni is a cocktail of one part gin, one part sweet vermouth and one part Campari bitters and is considered one of the most famous drink as an aperitif, which is done to stimulate the appetite

Having a cocktail is very strong (you can easily notice DAGL ingredients), besides being an excellent aperitif is a drink after dinner digestif. The risk of drinking as an aperitif, ie on an empty stomach, or nearly so, is coming to dinner very revved up (if not completely drunk). The advice is to take it with caution.

The most popular theory about its creation, has it that the Negroni was born in Florence at the Caffè Casoni (then called Caffè Giacosa). The name was given in honor of Count Camillo Negroni, who asked that the gin was added to the American, his favorite drink. The drink immediately had great success, so much so that the Negroni family to found a company called Treviso "Negroni Distilleries" which had as its flagship product ready version of the cocktail, called "Old Negroni 1919".

The preparation of this cocktail is very simple


- 1/3 Sweet Vermouth (Martini Red is fine)
- 1/3 Campari Bitter
- 1/3 of Gin
- 1 slice orange

The Negroni is prepared directly in the glass (in this case, the Tumbler bottom). Place three ice cubes. Add the gin first, then the Martini and Campari and mix.
Garnish with a slice of orange.

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Lasagne Bolognese Recipe

Lasagne Bolognese Recipe

The lasagna is one of the most typical dishes of Italian cuisine, prepared in the whole peninsula with small variations of ingredients. They are usually prepared in a pan and consist of layers of pasta discs, interspersed with filling.

The most famous are perhaps the lasagna with meat sauce Bolognese, made with tomatoes, ground beef mixed (pork, veal, beef), cheese and bechamel. There are also the Neapolitan version (with meatballs, mozzarella and ricotta cheese) and pesto. In fact this type of recipe leaves really have any input: between layers of egg pasta fact, anyone can decide to put what he wants, for example, vegetables or cheese. I make a variation to the leek, and white sauce that growth without excessive modesty, is sublime!

The origins of this dish dates back to Ancient Rome. According to sources, in fact, Cicero was a regular consumer: with advancing age of the famous philosopher (Latin but also a lawyer and writer, and politician of the last period of the Roman Republic) where he prepared all the time, being very soft and liquid and therefore suited to his "old teeth".

For a dish so famous quote a very special film. In Clerks, the popular comedy low-budget Kevin Smith recounts the day a salesman to work on his day off, Silent Bob says one and only one joke, but regards the lasagna: "You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But They Do not all bring you lasagna at work. Most Of Them just cheat on you "(The world is full of beautiful women, man. But not all bring you lasagna at work, indeed the majority betrays you).


- 500 g lasagna sheets (I recommend the Sfogliavelo Rana, ready even to boil)
- Parmigiano Reggiano in profusion, grated

For the béchamel:
- 150 grams of butter
- 1.5 liters of milk
- 150 grams of flour
- Nutmeg

For the sauce:
- 1 onion
- 1 carrot
- 1 celery
- 400 grams of peeled
- 200 grams of minced beef
- 200 g minced pork (if you want 100g of minced pork and 100g of sausage)
- 80 g of bacon
- 1 slice, a finger thick, cooked ham
- ½ cup of red wine
- Olive oil
- Sale
- Pepe

We start from the béchamel: Melt the butter in a saucepan and then add the flour. Once the compound is soft and homogeneous pour flush with the milk. Continue stirring until the white sauce is not formed (about twelve minutes or so). Before turning off the fire, a sprinkle of nutmeg and salt and set aside.

For the sauce: Sauté the onion, celery and carrot with a few fingers of oil in another pan. Then add the various types of meat (ham and bacon will go above ground, with the crescent or a few minutes in the blender). Brown the meat a few minutes over high heat, sprinkle with red wine and once evaporated, add the tomatoes. Lower the heat and cook for at least a couple of hours (the sauce is more and more is good), stirring occasionally. Adjust it with salt and pepper.

At this point we pass to the construction of the lasagna. In a baking dish lay a sheet of lasagna (two or three if needed, also depends on the size of the pan), sprinkle with meat sauce, bechamel and parmesan cheese and arrange on top of another sheet of lasagna .... And so on until the pan is not filled. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour and let stand ten minutes before serving.

For once, let me give some advice ... I really like the lasagna with meat sauce accompanied by a good bottle of Bonarda (sommelier then maybe some would argue ...).

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Recipe Amatriciana

The Amatriciana is used as a sauce with pasta typical of Italian cuisine, made with bacon, cheese and, starting from the 18th century, tomato.
Originally from the country of amateur (located in the mountainous area in the province of Rieti, in Lazio), the sauce all'Amatriciana soon became one of the most popular condiments in Italy and beyond.
Although it is not clear the exact origin of the dish, we know that for centuries has been prepared with bacon and cheese and was known locally as Gricia. The basic ingredients are common between what is available in the local population, including olive oil which was made use of it later. The addition of tomatoes, as mentioned, was done from the 18th century and what you witness in some French cookbooks dated 1807. The coincidence of the period with the use of tomatoes in sauces and condiments was common in Italy in the Napoleonic period.
Despite the spaghetti are the type of dough used for the sauce all'Amatriciana, it must be said that the pasta is traditionally used to be known for this dressing.

Now let's see the recipe, very simple but whose success depends greatly on the quality ingredients.

Ingredients for 4 people

350 grams of peeled tomatoes
75 g of cheese is not too salty
1 red pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
100 grams of bacon
1 glass of white wine
400 grams spaghetti or bucatini
pepper to taste

Heat the oil in a skillet large enough and put the bacon cut into slices not too thin. While the bacon frying add in the chili. As soon as the fat of the bacon becomes transparent, add the white wine.
Continue to fry until the bacon will not become crisp, then remove from heat and keep aside.
Using the same pan and same oil for the bacon, cook the tomatoes hours on low heat.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta once al dente, drain directly into the pan with the tomatoes and add the bacon kept aside. Blow up everything for a few moments, then crushed a little 'pepper and serve with a healthy dose of grated pecorino cheese.

Bon appetit!

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Pizzoccheri are a type of pasta originating from Valtellina. As a form, reminiscent of the noodles are made from a dough made ​​with a portion of wheat flour and three parts of buckwheat flour, which makes them take on its characteristic gray color.

When cooked in the most classic, served with diced potatoes, cabbage and Parmesan or Grana suprattutto abundant. While it is very easy to find the Pizzoccheri ready, it is also easy to prepare by hand. 

With regard to the origin of the name, it seems that the word "Pizzoccheri" derives from the root "piz", or "bit", or from the word "pinch", in reference to the flattened shape of the pasta.

But we can now turn to the recipe.


100 grams of wheat flour
300 g of buckwheat flour
250 grams of cabbage cut into strips
250 grams of diced potatoes
400 grams of butter
400 g of Bitto
1 cloves of garlic
1 onion
Grated Parmesan or Grana

First you pizzoccheri: mix the flour of wheat and buckwheat flour, mixing it all with water for no more than 15 minutes. Then roll out the dough making it slightly thinner than half an inch, then cut it into strips about 7 inches long and about half a centimeter wide.

Now cook the potatoes and cabbage in boiling salted water for about 20 minutes, then add the pizzoccheri and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, sauté the chopped onion in butter and garlic over low heat. At this point, drain pasta, potatoes and cabbage in a bowl and stir in the fried one by one, the Bitto cheese, wheat (or parmesan).

Serve piping hot pizzoccheri.

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Cutlet Milanese recipe

Cutlet Milanese recipe

The Milanese cutlet is THE dish par excellence, so that perhaps only the osso buco with saffron rice enjoys a fame almost comparable (perhaps even the cake, but it is a cake!). Moreover, the Milan is one of the favorite dishes from the children!
Usually the sirloin steak is a slice of veal on the bone breaded and fried in butter. Do not be fooled, I recommend: the true Wiener Schnitzel must be strictly fried in butter and oil as many restaurants offer today, to be the dish more palatable to those who "look at the calories," or the movement "the fat animal hurts. " The butter should be paid also on the plate before serving, but now a little lemon juice is the rule.

The origin of this dish is the subject of a dispute that still has not been solved. Italy and Austria in fact dispute the authorship of this dish according to the Italians, the Austrians have learned to prepare the steak by Italian chefs who worked for the Austrian regiments for instance in Italy in the eighteenth century. General Radetzky, wants this theory, then returned to Austria after his long residence in the Lombard-Venetian with the recipe. The Milanese dish, counterpart to the contrary, it would be just a "copied" the Wiener Schnitzel, the Austrian schnitzel.

So let's see the recipe for this dish:


- 4 slices of sirloin of beef (with the bone, of course)
- 2 eggs, beaten
- ½ cup of breadcrumbs, lightly toasted in the oven
- ½ cup butter (less if you use a non-stick pan)

Abstract: remove as much fat as possible from the edges of the cutlets, otherwise when you pass the stage of frying, the fat will all curl.

Now lightly salt both sides of the meat and then dip in beaten egg first sirloin, and then in bread crumbs. If you want a breading worthy of the name suggest repeating the operation a couple of times.

In a skillet, preferably nonstick, melt the butter and fry the cutlets one by one until they are golden brown on both sides.

Because we like to provide interesting variations of the dish that we propose today will give you two. During the hot summers, fry the chops and leave to cool. Separately, prepare a mixture of chopped cherry tomatoes, basil, olive oil, salt and pepper. Sprinkle the chops, then cooler.

For the winter, we recommend the steak with onions in scapece. Let go of the onions in a pan (the amount is based on how many you make Milan) with a little oil until they are golden brown. Once removed from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a half of sugar and mix. Put the whole, also in this case, on cutlets, this time warm.

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Potatoes and Rice Recipe Mussels

Potatoes and Rice Recipe Mussels

Baking dish (baking) potatoes rice and mussels is a traditional dish from Bari that is often associated with Spanish paella especially for the use of some similar ingredients (rice, seafood, tomatoes, onions ...).
Even baking dish, such as paella, takes its name from the pan when cooking is done (in Bari dialect tied), which is said to have a tin of "crock", earthenware, high and circular in shape.

Baking dish of potatoes, rice and mussels has ancient origins. It is said to have been introduced in the kitchen of Bari during the period of Spanish rule in 1600. The fact that traces its origins are lost in time so far has encouraged the spread of variants to the original recipe
It 'a dish that consists of a few ingredients: each variation is tolerated, provided it meets a few basic principles, such as using only simple ingredients, fresh and good, such as mussels, rice, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. The most popular variant is the one with the addition of zucchini.

All the ingredients are baked "raw", so it's a dish that requires a fairly long cooking time, but well worth the wait.

We proceed with the description of the recipe.

Ingredients for 4 people

1 kg of mussels
400 grams of rice
6 medium potatoes
600 grams of ripe tomatoes
150 grams of grated pecorino romano
1 onion
1 clove 'garlic
extra virgin olive oil

Wash the shells of mussels (you can 'use the steel wool and a boxcutter) and deprive them of the thread that comes up, tearing it.

Put them in water as you go in the other stages of preparation.

Peel the potatoes and cut into circular slices not too thin (less than 5 mm thick)

Mince the parsley with the garlic.

Wash the rice and let it soak for a few minutes.

Crushing mussels open slightly along the slit and with the help of a boxcutter. Leave the fruit in a part of the shell and elimanere the other half.

Slice the onion and place on bottom of pan with a couple of laps of extra virgin olive oil. Arrange the potatoes on the bottom of the pan, sprinkle with chopped parsley, a little 'salt and pepper and arrange the mussels with the shell facing up.

At this point make a first layer with rice, taking care to put a bit 'in the shells, but without stifle and making it go in the spaces between the mussels.

The tomatoes you uniscno previously seeded after being crushed if they have 5 or 6 on the rice, a generous handful of cheese and it starts with the second layer: onion, potato, parsley, salt, pepper, cheese, a generous around d ' oil, mussels and raw rice, the cheese and a few tomatoes.

Potatoes close the tray, are flavored with remaining parsley, cheese, even the salt and pepper, extra virgin olive oil and tomatoes.

Add water to the level of the last layer of rice, leaving "free" layer of potatoes, which completes the dish. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for about 45 minutes. For the first 20 minutes we recommend to cover the pan with aluminum foil, to allow the cooking of rice. The final part of the cooking pan discovery will be carried out to facilitate the gilding, and the crostatura of the potatoes.

The pan will be ready when the water dries and the rice and potatoes are cooked.
It 'a dish rather than summer, that counts more tiepido.Consigliamo serving 20 minutes after baked.
Enjoy your meal.

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The lasagna bolognese

The lasagna bolognese

 The Greeks and Romans called lasagna strips of dough cut into squares more or less regular, cooked in a pan or plate and then topped or stuffed with vegetables and cheese. This dish, which bore no resemblance at all to today's lasagna Bolognese, derived from the greek "Lasana" (tripod for cooking) and from the Roman "lasanum" (vase, container).

The lasagna for centuries remained similar to those of the Greeks and Romans, until the fourteenth, when Francis Zambrini gives us, in his cookbook, a recipe for lasagna that includes alternating layers of pasta layered with cheese.

Little is known about the birth of the lasagna bolognese as we know, even the Artusi mentions it in his text, although it was a collection of the most important traditional Italian recipes. The fame of the lasagna bolognese was born at the hands of a few restaurants in Bologna that started to make them known to their customers at the beginning of last century, until in 1935 consecrated Paul Monelli definitely not quoting the success in his "Wandering Wolverine."

Every family has its own recipe of Bolognese lasagna, which may or may not be green (with spinach in the dough) and season carefully with Bolognese sauce, which is also produced in many variants.

The Italian Academy of Cooking, after carefully examining all the recipes published texts on the main Italian food, and after consutato many recipes belonging to the tradition of Bolognese families, filed with the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna the original recipe of lasagna recipe Bolognese.

As you can see from the preparation and calories per serving, this recipe is the epitome of the "richness" of the tradition of Bologna ...
Yes or No?

The original recipe of the lasagna bolognese is now an antique that very few restaurants have the courage to serve. However, lasagna with meat sauce have features that allow you to drastically cut calories per 100 g, reaching even to respect the constraints of the kitchen Yes The secret is to prepare a sauce with less than 100 kcal per 100 g and combine it with the right amount of egg noodles.
The recipe of the lasagna bolognese

Ingredients for 8 persons:
1 kg of classic Bolognese meat sauce;
400 g of grated Parmigiano Reggiano at the time;
bechamel sauce made with 100 g of flour 00, 100 g of butter, 1 liter of fresh whole milk, salt and nutmeg;
butter, a stick of about 200 g;
1 kg of green pasta made with 700 grams of 00 flour, 3 eggs, 350 g of cooked spinach, squeezed dry and chopped fine;
a rectangular pan about 25x35 cm, a minimum of 6 cm;

Preparation: Place a saucepan three-fourths full of salted water to boil merrily. Cut the dough into rectangles about 15x10 or, for those who are skilled, slightly smaller than the pan you choose, throw them into boiling water and remove them as soon as it came to light. After a quick passage in cold water to dry on a clean cloth, white cotton or linen. Grease the bottom of the pan with butter and sprinkle a few tablespoons of meat sauce and bechamel. Cover with the pastry rectangles needed and lay on a thin layer of bechamel sauce in abundance, and many pieces of butter Parmesan, all in one layer as even as possible, taking care that no air bubbles are formed (to achieve this, drill three or four times the dough with a toothpick). Continue this for at least 6 layers total and end with a cover sheet on which to hang a little 'meat sauce mixed with a little' of sauce, some butter and a sprinkling of Parmesan. Put a pat of butter at the end in every corner of the pan. Bake then for 25-30 minutes at about 180 degrees in a preheated oven. Who loves the lasagna a bit 'crunchy, we recommend turning on the grill (no more than 2 minutes) for a slight browning that does not create conflict with the softness of the interior. Finally, make sure that the layers are in order, the sauce is plentiful but not excessive, the sauce is creamy and spread lightly. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. The portions, the plate must remain rigorously stand alone!

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The name of one of the oldest forms of pasta

And 'The name of one of the oldest forms of pasta, usually rectangular or ribbon, and a bit' thicker than a noodle.
The Italian lasagna seems to latch on to the greek "lasanon", in Latin "lasanum", which is meant to carry the tripod on the fire or the container that was used for cooking food. He was then referred to as "laganon" and "laganum" a thin sheet made from a dough made of wheat flour that was baked in the oven or directly on the fire.
In the recipe of Apicius these sheets of dough are used for covering cakes, but also to prepare a plate baked said "lagana", in which the sheets were intercalated with stuffing of meat.
Only later in the sixth and seventh centuries is evidenced by moist heat cooking, or in water, this food.
In '200 lasagne is already so widely known that appear in the works of different authors.
A quatrain of the poet Jacopone says:
"Who looks at a majority thick
sometimes be deceiving.
Grain of pepper wins by virtue
the lasagna. "
Even Cecco pasta Angiolieri mentions this in his writings:
"Who with another's meal is lasagne,
of the 'castle wall, he did not ditch it. "
Another quote is found in the texts of Fra 'Salimbene of Parma, who in his "Chronicle" parlndo a monaco writes:
"I never saw anyone like him
abbuffasse you so willingly
lasagna with cheese. "
You are not sure if these lasagne corresponded to those of today, indeed it may be that they were off like a dumpling, but neither is unlikely, given the simplicity of form and composition of this pasta, it was indeed a mixture of flour and water, pulled into a thin sheet and cut into large pieces.
The saga of this pasta stuffed variously exploded with the Italian Renaissance, and the current recipe of lasagna bolognese, may date to the late seventeenth century with the opulence that reflects the splendor of the Baroque era.
Then spend time with the lasagna has become the food of excellence to offer scope home for the festival.
There are many regional names that distinguish this preparation, the dough is more or less usual than the pasta with some variations territorial for the amount of eggs, for the mixture of flour, for the presence or absence of vegetable dyes. More rigid is the tradition of forms, given that the lasagna is always a rectangle of thin dough, away from 3 to 5 cm long and 10 to 15 cm.

Very tight but long, 2-3 cm wide, are called lasagne tape or pappardelle. Today like yesterday you always cook dry, accompanied by a sauce important, for example, duck, rabbit, mushrooms, hare or wild boar.

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The foods of our tradition

The foods of our tradition
Capon, sausage, eel: know their properties?

Each region has its own culinary traditions, but some foods that make up the Christmas tables of Italians are just typical of this period. Know all their properties?

The capon

It is a castrated rooster at the age of 60-70 days and slaughtered at about 6 months of life. Rich in vitamins (especially B group), and minerals, is nutritious and digestible, tasty and tender meat if rather expensive. Its production is concentrated mainly at Christmas time mostly in Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Veneto. When you purchase it pays attention to the legs, which should have a shiny appearance. Choose capons below 2 pounds, to prevent the meat is stringy. If you buy whole Burn it up within 24 hours otherwise deprived of guts and sealed in plastic wrap, store it in the fridge for up to 2 days.

The gammon and sausage

The salami sausages gammon and pork sausage are typical of the area of ​​Modena. Are realized with a mixture of pork in the form of a limb of pork for zampone and cylindrical shape to the sausage. If you do not miss them on the board of San Silvestro, we recommend that you buy for cooking and handicraft production. Those pre-cooked, have the advantage of being able to be stored longer. They are generally served sliced ​​and paired with lentils, but can you dare even with beans, mashed potatoes or side dish of spinach.

The eel

The eel is the name given to girls of eels, each recipe Neapolitan family, but is also consumed in Puglia and Lazio. The tradition is alive purchased and held until Christmas Eve in a bucket of water or a bath. It can be cooked with or without skin. In the first case, rub the skin with coarse salt to remove the surface slippery. In the second case passes over a flame so that the skin is swollen and can be removed more easily.

The salmon

His flesh, firm and compact, is rich in polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 which have a protective action on the cardiovascular system, and vitamins and minerals that give it a very particular taste. The quality of this fish depends on its stage of development: the best is the one who has experienced 1 or 2 years at sea. When purchasing notes head: If the jaw is curved upwards to form a hook is a copy which has more than 3 years, the meat will be tough and fibrous. If you purchase it in slices, choose the center, which has the fat evenly distributed between the fibers of the meat. If you opt for the smoked, open the box just before serving because it dries quickly.
The cod

It represents a way of preserving cod. The cod is dried in the sun after being thoroughly salted. You can buy it desalted and softened, or prepare it this way: after having skinned, immerse in fresh water and let soak for at least 18 hours, taking care to change the water often. Before cooking, remove the thorns.

The turkey

The turkey can be purchased whole or divided according to the different denominations. In the first case can only be emptied and cleaned the innards, cooked and boiled or roasted, or baked with a stuffing made from chestnuts or mushrooms, or you can do bone from the butcher, and cook roasted with spices and herbs. The turkey meat is light and nutritious, easily digestible and suitable for the whole family.

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Roulade of chicken breast with prosciutto and sage

Roulade of chicken breast with prosciutto and sage


The sage, essential ingredient for the realization of these rolls, is an aromatic evergreen tree of the family Labiatae, and available fresh all year. To store it, clean it first with a damp cloth and then place it in a pan in the refrigerator. This herb has many effects, so that in the Middle Ages was considered a real panacea, the most effective of all drugs: it is an excellent antiseptic, digestive and sedative properties.

Ingredients for 1 person:

2 slices of chicken breast, 2 slices of lean ham; 4 sage leaves, 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil, sal


Strike helping the chicken breast with a meat mallet, being careful not to undo it.

Take a leaf of sage, wash it, dry it and lay it on the breast of chicken, then recline a little slice of prosciutto and sage leaves yet another.

Make now the rolls that you can close with a toothpick.

Put the rolls in a pan where you paid a teaspoon of olive oil and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat, covered, turning occasionally to brown them on all sides.

When cooked, remove the toothpick and enjoy warm.

If you want to make the dish for 4 people used 8 slices of chicken breast, 8 thin slices of ham, 16 sage leaves and other ingredients to taste

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All oils used in cooking

All oils used in cooking

Not only is olive oil: the options are many, with different nutritional characteristics

Our body needs some essential nutrients such as proteins, sugars, and, not least, fat.
These, in addition to performing a function as energy, allow the assimilation of some vitamins (A, D, E, K) that are absorbed only in the presence of fat and are, therefore, such fat-soluble.
This explains why for a healthy diet, fat should be as well to 25-30 percent of the calories we ingest.

In the kitchen, in addition to olive oil, you can use other oils, many of which have beneficial nutritional characteristics. Here are a few.

It is an olive-colored deep green, almost somber with the scent of roasted pumpkin seeds. It is very pleasant, and you can use it to flavor soups, vegetables and cereals, vegetables as well as preparations in the oven and grilled. It also has therapeutic properties as it exerts protective activity of the respiratory tract.

Rich in linoleic acid, plays an important antioxidant, and has many therapeutic indications. It has a distinctive flavor of walnut, slightly bitter, and therefore can be used in cooking to flavor soups and salads.

It has fruity aroma reminiscent of fishing. In the Middle Ages often substituted olive oil. It is still used in confectionery to grease cake pans, or working surfaces of marble on which to prepare and crunchy nougat. It is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins A and group B.


It has a characteristic odor / flavor is noticeable toasty nose, and palate. It is used for seasoning or cooking vegetables, meat and fish and spicy dishes to complete.
It should, however, initially using it to drop in when, being very intense, might not like. It is rich in polyunsaturated fats.


It has pale green color and pleasant flavor, very delicate. It is therefore an oil to be used in prepared mayonnaise for more delicate as fish stews, salads stories, seafood salad, cream of spring vegetables. Contains high amounts of linoleic acid (70%). If it is cold extracted by mechanical means, retains the vitamin E and antioxidants their grapes, and therefore is not liable to oxidize, forming in this case free radicals.


It is colorless and has a neutral taste. It has a fatty acid composition similar to that of extra virgin olive oil, because it contains monounsaturated fatty acids and few. This composition makes it a suitable for frying.


Colorless and light taste, is often associated with an oil-protein diets and for people who have high cholesterol or excess of uric acid. It contains protovitamina A, iron and trace elements. Accompanies all dishes especially delicate as salads, boiled fish, steamed chicken breast and is a member of mayonnaise and other sauces.


Oil rich in polyunsaturated acids, has adapted to diets containing cholesterol. The predominant presence of these fatty acids makes it easily oxidizable and is therefore not suitable for frying as at high temperatures would form toxic substances.


He has light aroma, suitable for delicate preparations or as an ingredient in sauces such as mustard. Like all oils rich in polyunsaturated acids, it is preferable to use raw.


It has the delicate flavor of the kernels, was used for the preparation of Bagna Cauda. However, it is best used as a condiment for flavoring meat carpaccio, steamed or boiled fish, delicate salads. We must remember the ipotrigliceridemizzanti and cholesterol lowering properties, walnut oil can then return to normal high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.

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Pumpkin gnocchi with sage-scented

Pumpkin gnocchi with sage-scented


 Due to the low-calorie, pumpkin lends itself to many preparations. The beta-carotene it contains is important to counteract the action of free radicals. In general, the carotenes are valuable to the health of the eyes or skin.

Ingredients for 4 people:

800 g pumpkin, 100 g of white flour, 1 egg, 50 g of grated parmesan cheese, 20 g of butter, nutmeg, sage, 1 onion, extra virgin olive oil, salt

Preparation: 1 hour and a half

Peel the pumpkin, wash and wrap in a sheet of aluminum foil.

Place it in a hot oven for about 20 minutes. Then pass it masher. Mix made ​​with flour and form a fountain. At the heart of this, drop an egg without shell, add the nutmeg and a pinch of salt.

Mix well and made ​​for the long cylindrical pieces then cut into pieces of about 2 cm to form the dumplings. Arrange the pieces on a floured tray, spaced.

Boil the gnocchi in abundant salted water and drain them as they come to the surface.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce by heating the onion in oil. Then add the butter and, finally, the sage, taking care not to fry the ingredients.

Mix the noodles with the sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.
nutritional characteristics

Carbohydrates in the flour
Fiber and carotene in pumpkin
Proteins in the egg and parmesan
Approximately 305 calories per serving
Recommended for those who have problems
dry skin

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Palombo oregano

Palombo oregano

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 slices of dogfish of about 200 g
300 g of tomato polpadi
2 stalks of celery
A fresh onion
Oregano q.b.
Chili powder to taste
Flour q.b.
Extra virgin olive oil


Mondiamo the onion, green and eliminating the most outer leaves. Finally tagliamolo thin rounds. Wash the celery, and eliminate the filaments tagliamole cubes. We heat three tablespoons of oil in a pan. Add the vegetables with chilli and tomato pulp. Let cook on high heat for 5 minutes, until the sauce. Infariniamo slices of dogfish and eliminate the excess flour. We transfer the slices of dogfish in the pan where we cooked the sauce, cover and let cook at medium heat for 10 minutes. Impiattiamo and spolverizziamo with oregano, irroriamo with a little olive oil and taste hot.

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