Friday, July 20, 2012

The foods of our tradition

The foods of our tradition
Capon, sausage, eel: know their properties?

Each region has its own culinary traditions, but some foods that make up the Christmas tables of Italians are just typical of this period. Know all their properties?

The capon

It is a castrated rooster at the age of 60-70 days and slaughtered at about 6 months of life. Rich in vitamins (especially B group), and minerals, is nutritious and digestible, tasty and tender meat if rather expensive. Its production is concentrated mainly at Christmas time mostly in Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Veneto. When you purchase it pays attention to the legs, which should have a shiny appearance. Choose capons below 2 pounds, to prevent the meat is stringy. If you buy whole Burn it up within 24 hours otherwise deprived of guts and sealed in plastic wrap, store it in the fridge for up to 2 days.

The gammon and sausage

The salami sausages gammon and pork sausage are typical of the area of ​​Modena. Are realized with a mixture of pork in the form of a limb of pork for zampone and cylindrical shape to the sausage. If you do not miss them on the board of San Silvestro, we recommend that you buy for cooking and handicraft production. Those pre-cooked, have the advantage of being able to be stored longer. They are generally served sliced ​​and paired with lentils, but can you dare even with beans, mashed potatoes or side dish of spinach.

The eel

The eel is the name given to girls of eels, each recipe Neapolitan family, but is also consumed in Puglia and Lazio. The tradition is alive purchased and held until Christmas Eve in a bucket of water or a bath. It can be cooked with or without skin. In the first case, rub the skin with coarse salt to remove the surface slippery. In the second case passes over a flame so that the skin is swollen and can be removed more easily.

The salmon

His flesh, firm and compact, is rich in polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 which have a protective action on the cardiovascular system, and vitamins and minerals that give it a very particular taste. The quality of this fish depends on its stage of development: the best is the one who has experienced 1 or 2 years at sea. When purchasing notes head: If the jaw is curved upwards to form a hook is a copy which has more than 3 years, the meat will be tough and fibrous. If you purchase it in slices, choose the center, which has the fat evenly distributed between the fibers of the meat. If you opt for the smoked, open the box just before serving because it dries quickly.
The cod

It represents a way of preserving cod. The cod is dried in the sun after being thoroughly salted. You can buy it desalted and softened, or prepare it this way: after having skinned, immerse in fresh water and let soak for at least 18 hours, taking care to change the water often. Before cooking, remove the thorns.

The turkey

The turkey can be purchased whole or divided according to the different denominations. In the first case can only be emptied and cleaned the innards, cooked and boiled or roasted, or baked with a stuffing made from chestnuts or mushrooms, or you can do bone from the butcher, and cook roasted with spices and herbs. The turkey meat is light and nutritious, easily digestible and suitable for the whole family.


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