Friday, July 20, 2012

Roulade of chicken breast with prosciutto and sage

Roulade of chicken breast with prosciutto and sage


The sage, essential ingredient for the realization of these rolls, is an aromatic evergreen tree of the family Labiatae, and available fresh all year. To store it, clean it first with a damp cloth and then place it in a pan in the refrigerator. This herb has many effects, so that in the Middle Ages was considered a real panacea, the most effective of all drugs: it is an excellent antiseptic, digestive and sedative properties.

Ingredients for 1 person:

2 slices of chicken breast, 2 slices of lean ham; 4 sage leaves, 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil, sal


Strike helping the chicken breast with a meat mallet, being careful not to undo it.

Take a leaf of sage, wash it, dry it and lay it on the breast of chicken, then recline a little slice of prosciutto and sage leaves yet another.

Make now the rolls that you can close with a toothpick.

Put the rolls in a pan where you paid a teaspoon of olive oil and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat, covered, turning occasionally to brown them on all sides.

When cooked, remove the toothpick and enjoy warm.

If you want to make the dish for 4 people used 8 slices of chicken breast, 8 thin slices of ham, 16 sage leaves and other ingredients to taste


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